We have a solid reputation for coffee that comes from over a decade in the business; we stick to some of the best coffees around and always have a single origin on filter. Right now we get our main coffee from a lovely Colombian lady called Luzma who took over her uncle’s farm, Santa Elena in Costa Rica over 20 years ago. S
he provides us with fresh green every year that’s harvested between December and February and lands in the UK in the Summer. She even visited us back in 2019 on a trip to Europe. After a few years of roasting it ourselves, first with friends at Tate and then at Union, we now get the beans roasted by the guys at Butterworth & Son who make Luzma’s coffee shine.
If you’ve got a cafe and want a steady supply of delicious beans that work just as beautifully as espresso as they do a smooth flat white, drop us a line here. We can help with setting up the coffee menu, help with shop design and provide ongoing training to new baristas as they join your team.