Be warned, if you watch all the videos on this page from top to bottom, you will give up animal products when you’re done.
Chickens can cuddle. Just like us, in the right environment animals can be loving and gentle.
Cows can cuddle. They can love just like dogs, cats and hamsters. Probably way more than hamsters.
These two from Bournemouth love this duck.
Veganism is simply another way of looking at the world, and at animals, yet it takes many vegans a long time and opening up to why it’s a positive change, before the penny drops. Connecting with the life behind those eyes had us give up taking that life. It belongs to something far more beautiful than any food can be. Here is a selection of films that lead us to realise this.
"These animals are fiercely intelligent, beautiful, sociable creatures." Juliet Gellatley, VIVA!
A five year old makes the connection.
Here are some of the biggest protagonists in the animal rights world.
We always bought the best milk we could. The cows on this film are nothing like the ones from the farms who supplied us. One part we can’t get away from - females don't make milk, mothers do.
All credit goes to James Aspey for all the amazing work he does for the Vegan movement.
Ingrid Newkirk has ruffled more feathers in the movement than anyone. Controversy is what she uses as a tool. Some agree, some disagree, but regardless, this was the video that taught one of us that animals are people.
Why do we eat chickens but not dogs? Melanie Joy spent 20 years of research to find out. Here she explains it in 20 minutes.
Ex-Vice President of Citibank Australia, Philip Wollen gives his view on the debate "Why Animals Should be Off the Plate".
After visiting a client's facility, which was a slaughterhouse, he went vegan.
What the Health exposes the collusion and corruption in government and big business that is keeping us sick. It uncovers the secret to preventing and reversing chronic diseases – and investigates why the nation’s leading health organizations don’t want us to know about it.